The Allies Forces Foundation (AFF) is dedicated to enhancing the lives of wounded service members and their families. Their mission is to uplift the spirits and well-being of our nation's heroes, who have made tremendous sacrifices. Now, they require support to transition to a new chapter of life and to connect with fellow warriors from partner nations.
The Cateran Yomp is an event focused on the rehabilitation and regeneration of wounded, ill, and injured service personnel, veterans, and their families. In early June, participants will join British wounded warriors, veterans, and friends for the exhilarating experience of taking part in the Cateran Yomp, which spans the rugged highlands of Scotland.
This challenging event offers three distance options: 22 miles (Bronze), 36.5 miles (Silver), or 54 miles (Gold), all to be completed within 24 hours, from June 7-8, 2025.
Every MileagePlus mile donated will help send wounded warriors to Scotland to experience this life-changing and empowering event.
Allied Forces Foundation (AFF) is a British-American foundation that works to raise awareness and funding for wounded service personnel, Veterans and their families, particularly those affected by the conflict. A primary focus of AFF is to reinvigorate the spirit of comradeship and teamwork that so many wounded, ill, and injured (WII) serving and Veterans miss when forced to return to a desk job or civilian life. This is achieved through enabling participation in different challenges around the world. These AFF hosted challenges deliver an opportunity for WII to come together with other military and Veterans who are facing similar experiences. WII, caregivers/supporters, and family members attending and taking part in these challenges enhance the relationship between WII personnel from allied nations who fight together on the battlefield, and this provides the chance to share stories, advice, and support as they fight together for recovery.
The Allies Forces Foundation (AFF) is dedicated to enhancing the lives of wounded service members and their families. Their mission is to uplift the spirits and well-being of our nation's heroes, who have made tremendous sacrifices. Now, they require support to transition to a new chapter of life and to connect with fellow warriors from partner nations.
The Cateran Yomp is an event focused on the rehabilitation and regeneration of wounded, ill, and injured service personnel, veterans, and their families. In early June, participants will join British wounded warriors, veterans, and friends for the exhilarating experience of taking part in the Cateran Yomp, which spans the rugged highlands of Scotland.
This challenging event offers three distance options: 22 miles (Bronze), 36.5 miles (Silver), or 54 miles (Gold), all to be completed within 24 hours, from June 7-8, 2025.
Every MileagePlus mile donated will help send wounded warriors to Scotland to experience this life-changing and empowering event.
Allied Forces Foundation (AFF) is a British-American foundation that works to raise awareness and funding for wounded service personnel, Veterans and their families, particularly those affected by the conflict. A primary focus of AFF is to reinvigorate the spirit of comradeship and teamwork that so many wounded, ill, and injured (WII) serving and Veterans miss when forced to return to a desk job or civilian life. This is achieved through enabling participation in different challenges around the world. These AFF hosted challenges deliver an opportunity for WII to come together with other military and Veterans who are facing similar experiences. WII, caregivers/supporters, and family members attending and taking part in these challenges enhance the relationship between WII personnel from allied nations who fight together on the battlefield, and this provides the chance to share stories, advice, and support as they fight together for recovery.