
Your vote makes an impact

Vote for your favorite charity from November 29 – December 2, 2022, and we’ll award the top three organizations with 1-million-mile grants. Please sign in to MileagePlus® – or join for free – before casting your vote. Voting is free. Limit one vote per MileagePlus member. Together we can reach our goal of donating 30 million miles to more than 50 charities.

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Giving Tuesday, November 29 – December 2, 2022 - Terms and Conditions:

1. You must be a MileagePlus® member before voting or donating to participate. To join MileagePlus for free, go to united.com.

2. Donations must be made by MileagePlus members at donate.mileageplus.com and must be a minimum of 1,000 miles.

3. United will match MileagePlus member donations made between 12:00AM Central time and 11:59 PM Central time on November 29, 2022, up to 100,000 miles per eligible Partner charity campaign and up to a total match across all eligible Partner charities of ten million miles.

4. Votes must be successfully entered at united.com/vote between 12:00AM Central time on November 29, 2022, and 11:59 PM Central time on December 2, 2022. Only one vote per MileagePlus member. The three Miles on a Mission “Partner charities” receiving the most votes as of 11:59 PM Central time on December 2, 2022, will each receive 1,000,000 MileagePlus miles.

5. Donations are non-refundable.

6. For additional terms and conditions, please visit: https://donate.mileageplus.com/termsandconditions.

Miles accrued, awards, and benefits issued are subject to change and are subject to the rules of the United MileagePlus® program, including without limitation the Premier® program, (the "MileagePlus Program") which are expressly incorporated herein. United® may change the MileagePlus Program including, but not limited to, rules, regulations, travel awards and special offers or terminate the MileagePlus Program at any time and without notice. United and its subsidiaries, affiliates and agents are not responsible for any products or services of other participating companies and partners. United and MileagePlus are registered service marks. For complete details about the MileagePlus Program, go to united.com.