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Active Campaigns

Find a campaign you’d like to support and donate 1,000 miles or more.

AFF Cateran Yomp 2025

Wounded Warrior Yomp (Hike)

Raised: 166,590
Goal: 1,000,000
3 Days left
Dream Volunteers

Dream Volunteers Service Trip Scholarship Program

Raised: 76,183
Goal: 1,000,000
3 Days left
I AM ALS - ALS is Relentless. So are we!

I AM ALS is a groundbreaking patient-led, patient-centric movement to end ALS.

Raised: 211,000
Goal: 2,000,000
3 Days left

iDE Global Connect Fundraiser

Raised: 83,582
Goal: 1,000,000
3 Days left
Making Everything Good (MEG)

Donate Miles for the MEG Express

Raised: 85,325
Goal: 750,000
3 Days left
Southern Smoke Foundation

Your miles matter, and they can help us put more funds toward our mission!

Raised: 50,000
Goal: 500,000
3 Days left
iRise Above Breast Cancer

Northern Roots Pond Hockey Charity Classic 2025

Raised: 148,873
Goal: 300,000
3 Days left